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"And Jesus answered, 'It is written, man shall not live by bread alone, but by word that proceeds from the the mouth of God.'" Matthew 4:4 

"The grass withers, the flower fades, but the Word of our God shall stand forever." Isaiah 40:8 

"So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing the Word of God." Romans 10:17 

"For the Word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piecing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart." Hebrews 4:12 

Preaching AND Teaching 

The Holy Bible is the Word of God preserved for us. Because of the crucial need that we have to hear from the Lord in matters of faith and of life, we preach and teach the Scriptures. Our conviction is that preaching and teaching should have these three purposes:

- Exaltation: Glorifying God 

- Edification: Minister to the Church

- Evangelization: The Gospel of Jesus Christ proclaimed and made clear  

The "style" of the preaching employed is best described as expository-revivalistic.

 - Expository: explanation

 - Revivalistic: application and call to adherence to the what the Scriptures's indicatives make imperative 


Five Solas

Grace Alone | Faith Alone | Christ Alone | Scripture Alone | To God Alone be the Glory 



Water baptism via immersion AFTER a personal profession of faith in Christ Jesus. 

We are independent from external ecclesiastical organizations and do not recognize any religious authority other than God (Father, Son, Holy Spirit). 

We are not in a denomination or convention, nor recognize such entities as being necessary, and are at best extra-biblical inventions of men.

We are in the vein of theological convictions found in the statements contained in such documents as: the Waldensan Confession of Faith; 1644 London Baptist Confession; and, the New Hampshire Baptist Statement of Faith. 


God-focused Singing and Music  

The congregational worship through singing and instrumental play is for God, to God, about God, and done for His satisfaction. There is indeed blessing to the people in singing and music, but first and foremost, the purpose is to praise God in accordance with His prescribed principles of worshipping Him. Hymns that are centuries old, as well as a few hymns written in our lifetime, are sung with joyful heartiness with accompaniment by musical instruments befitting worship and edification. 

Articles of Faith 

The Declaration of Doctrine and Beliefs sincerely held by Anchored Soul Bible Church 

I. We believe the Holy Bible is the Word of God.


II. We believe in one God, eternally existing in three Persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. 


III. We believe that the Son of God is Jesus Christ. Jesus is indeed "Emmanuel" (God with us.) Jesus is the God-man; He is God and He took on flesh whilst also retaining His deity/divine nature. 

A. We believe in His virgin birth, His death, burial, and resurrection. Jesus ascended back to Heaven, to the right hand of the Father. And the Lord Jesus Christ will most definitely return to the earth one day. 


IV. We believe God is the Creator. 

A. We believe in the biblical account of creation; that is to say, we believe as Genesis 1 - 3 (and elsewhere) states that in six, literal, consecutive days, God created the heavens and the earth. 


V. We believe that God chose to redeem a people unto Himself. God ordained the "everlasting covenant of redemption" in which Christ Jesus would save all whom the Father has given Him. 

VI. We believe that salvation is the free gift of God, wholly of grace, apart from man's works. Salvation is by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone, and all glory is given to God alone. 

A. Election is God's gracious decree to save sinners unto communion and everlasting life. In His sovereign grace He chose to regenerate, justify, sanctify, and glorify, sinful persons who repent and believe in Christ. By God's grace, these sinners are converted and redeemed by Christ through the enabling grace and work of the Holy Spirit.  


VIII. We believe the Church is made of regenerated, believing members. 


IX. Water Baptism and the Lord's Supper are the two ordinances of the New Covenant. 


X. We believe in the personal, visible, literal return of the Lord Jesus Christ to earth. 

XI. We believe that people either go to Heaven or to hell. We believe in coming judgement, and that Christ will judge all in righteousness. He will reward His believers, and punish those who willful reject Him as Lord and Saviour. 


XII. We believe in the autonomy of the local church.  

These 12 points are representative of our published Statement of Faith. We have a more comprehensive document that details further explanations of these 12 doctrinal positions.  

Anchored Soul's Distinctives & Doctrine 

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