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To God be the Glory 

Anchored Soul Bible Church

A Christ-centered, baptistic congregation in Ardmore, Oklahoma.
exist by God's grace and for His glory. 


The Scriptures' Savior, Jesus Christ, is the blessed hope, and He is the Anchor of our souls 

Our church is named, Anchored Soul Bible Church. This church was planted (started/chartered) by Bible-believing, Christ-loving Christians in the summer of 2022.


The inspiration for our name is from Hebrews 6:19-20; We joyously adhere to Jesus Christ as our anchor, and we adamantly affirm that The Lord Jesus Christ is the blessed hope of our souls  

Distinctives & Snapshot of Doctrine 

  • Preaching and Teaching 

    • Expository Preaching with a three-fold purpose: 

      • Exaltation - Glorify God ​

      • Edification - Minister to the Church 

      • Evangelization - The proclamation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ; that Christ Jesus died for sinners, and that all persons who repent of their sin, believe in Christ as their Saviour and Lord shall be saved to the utmost; that Jesus died, was buried, that He rose from the grave, and He is alive indeed! 

  • Sola Scriptura : Scripture (The Holy Bible) alone is the Final Authority for the Christian Faith 

  • Salvation is by Grace, through Faith, in Christ (Sola Gratia, Sola Fide, Solus Christus) 

  • Soli Deo Gloria : To God Alone be the Glory 

  • Trinitarian - We believe in One God who eternally exists in Three Persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit  

  • We believe in Jesus Christ, the Son of the Living God; The Lord Jesus Christ in His Person is true God and true man. He was crucified, buried, and rose from the dead. Christ ascended to the right hand of the Father, and the Lord Jesus will return to the Earth one day. 

  • Election & Predestination :  From before the foundation of the world, God chose to save sinners. God decreed (planned, crafted, enacted) the "plan of salvation"; this plan, is called the Covenant of Redemption. God chose to save sinners by His grace, and through faith (belief) in Christ Jesus. All people who believe the gospel, are "in Christ". So as Ephesians 1:3-14 states, "we are chosen in Christ".  Election is God's gracious decree to justify sinners, by enabling grace, through faith in Christ. By God's good pleasure He chose to be gracious and merciful, and calls to us to repent and believe the Gospel. Those sinners who respond in faith are the elect of God.  


Foundation - Biblical  &  Baptistic

Our foundation is the Holy Bible, and the commitment to the Bible's inspiration, inerrancy, and infallibility.


Theologically/Historically : For the past 20 centuries, the Church has preserved by the grace of God since the Lord Jesus Christ began to build it. We believe the Church is the redeemed of the Lord, who then gather into local, visible churches, also known as congregations.


We have a baptistic doctrinal heritage. By the grace of God through the enabling and leading of the Holy Spirit, "free church" brethren from various centuries and localities have held to true, Christ-honoring sound doctrine. 

In league with Free-church fore-bearers, our congregation holds to the theological convictions of groups like the Waldensans; "Anabaptists"; Baptists; Non-Conformists; Puritans; Evangelicals; Independents.

In short we are Bible believers, who are saved by grace through faith in Jesus Christ and are independent from external ecclesiastical organizations.     

Meeting Time & Location: 
Lord's Days (Sundays) 4:00pm 
meeting in the auditorium of

Faith Southern Baptist Church 
7575 Sam Noble Pkwy
Ardmore (Dickson) Oklahoma 

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